Pizza is a universal food. Originally confined to Italianneighborhoods, pizza has now become mainstream. Travel anywhere in theworld and you will be able to find some type of pizza. As noted breadbaker Peter Reinhart explained to me: “Pizza is the perfect flavordelivery system.” Pizza is the ultimate comfort food. With a littlepractice, you can easily make your own delicious home made pizza. Hereare four reasons why you should make your own pizza.
- Making pizza is easy. With the basic tools found in any kitchen, youwill be able to make pizza dough. All pizza dough follows the samebasic pattern. Mix flour with yeast, water and salt. Some pizza doughrecipes call for oil, however this may be omitted. (I use olive oil inmy recipe, but this is a matter of preference.) There are manywonderful pizza dough recipes available to you. You need to find onethat you like and will satisfy your own taste.
- Making pizza is healthy. Since you are making your own pizza, youhave total control over the ingredients used. I encourage you to usethe freshest ingredients available. The old standards, pepperoni,sausage, tomato sauce, and various cheeses make excellent toppings forpizza. There are many vegetables that can be used for pizza as wellincluding fresh garlic, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, onions, mushroomsand zucchini. Fresh seafood such as shrimp and clams can alsocompliment your pizza. Experiment. You will create new tastesensations. You are only limited to your imagination when deciding whatto put on your pizza.
- You will save lots of money. You will be amazed at how economical itis to make your own pizza. The actual price of putting together aquality pizza at home is much cheaper than buying pizza at a pizzeria.One way to save money is by purchasing ingredients on sale. You canmultiply your savings by obtaining items in bulk at a food discountwarehouse. For example some items like mozzarella cheese can bepurchased in bulk. Use what you need, and freeze the rest to be usedthe next time you make pizza. The savings of buying your pizzaingredients in bulk is substantial.
- Making pizza is fun. Pizza can be a wonderful group activity. Whenyou make pizza, you can get everyone around you involved in some partof the process. Pizza is also an enjoyable family activity. All kidslove making pizza. Pizza is a fun activity which can be enjoyed notonly by families but by singles as well. When you make pizza, you makemagic happen.
Finally, you can try making your own dough from scratch. Making doughmay seem difficult at first, but will get easier and easier over time.You can find a link box to get a free copy of my pizza dough at the endof this article.
Without much effort, you will be making healthy pizza, saving money andhaving a lot of fun. The hardest part of making pizza is the clean-up.
Learn to make pizza with the Pizza Therapy Pizza Book, click here: Pizza Therapy
Homemade Pizza Recipe